Helping partner aspirants prepare for partnership

We work with partner aspirants to help them prepare for the partner candidate process. This typically has a particular focus on business development and practice building – focusing on product, sectors, geographies and clients but we have also helped candidates with articulating their personal and business cases.
For example, we worked with a partner aspirant who was technically very strong but there were concerns that they would not be able to articulate succinctly and persuasively how they would add value to the partnership. Following a series of discussions with the candidate, work to articulate their business case including evidence of where they had already started delivering new revenue and practice sessions to ensure they were comfortable with delivery of the message, the partner aspirant was successful in joining their partnership.

Coaching BD team members to increase their impact

Drawing on experience of having led BD teams in a number of firms, we have deep experience of what makes BD teams and their members successful in partnerships. With conscious focus on areas such as gaining trust through the ‘magic deliverables’, we have repeatedly improved the effectiveness of BD team members following coaching.
For example, by using social styles as a method for understanding the interaction between different personality types we helped a BD team member move from being under-appreciated and marginalised to becoming a central figure in the management of the practice they looked after.